About Tottori University
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International Exchange
The Center for International Affairs



Certified Evaluation and Accreditation (CEA)

About CEA

Every Japanese universities have to undergo an evaluation once every 7 years by the certified evaluating agency certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (School Education Act, Article 109, paragraphs (2)).

Purpose of CEA(2021)

  1. To assure the quality of education and research of universities
  2. To enhance the quality of education and research of universities in keeping with their respective missions, promote improvement, and develop their strengths
  3. To assist universities in gaining public understanding of and support for their education and research activities

Result of CEA

Tottori University underwent the Institutional Certified Evaluation and Accreditation process performed in the 2021 academic year by the National Institute for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), and was certified as meeting the standards for evaluation and accreditation on March 24, 2022.

Tottori University underwent the Institutional Certified Evaluation and Accreditation process performed in the 2014 academic year by the National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (NIAD-UE), and was certified as meeting the standards for evaluation and accreditation on March 26, 2015.

Tottori University underwent the Institutional Certified Evaluation and Accreditation process performed in the 2007 academic year by the NIAD-UE, and was certified as meeting the standards for evaluation and accreditation on March 27, 2008.